Twitter Ask 330 Million Users To Change Their Passwords Due To Internal Glitch
Twitter Says to Change Their Users Passwords: Twitter has issued a statement saying to change your twitter password as soon as possible because of bug that exposed the password as plain text.
While the company internal investigation officers has confirmed that no data breach has occurred but they are still saying to their users to change their passwords as soon as possible.
According to the report of Twitter, the bug was actually occurred due to an issue in hashing algorithm which masks the password by which replacing the fingerprint of that particular password.
This process got disrupted and due to what this bug in the system has reveal that those passwords were being saved in the plaintext to an internal log.
Twitter has confirmed that they have successfully removed the bug from the systems and they are working to resolve same bug that might not ever happen again in the coming future.
Twitter has not yet revealed that how many users passwords were affected to this bug but the experts are sure that majority of the passwords of users were exposed to the employees who have access to the internal logs. Infact that coming is urging their entire users to change their passwords that shows that the majority of the users passwords were affected due to that bug in the system.
It is noted that the number was “substantial”and that they were expose for “several months”. Twitter caught the bug a few weeks earlier and than they reported back to the regulators, an insider told Reuters. Cheif executive Jack Dorsey tweeted to say the “bug” has been fixed.
“We recently discovered a bug where account passwords were being written to an internal log before completing a masking/hashing process. We have fixed, see no indication of breach or misuse, and believe its important for us to be open about this internal defect”.
Twitter has confirmed that those passwords are only stored in they company internal logs and these logs are not available for public.