Soon You will Pay For Goods With the Palm of Your Hand
The Aeon Financial Service Company and their subsidiary AEON Credit Service along with Fujitsu announced that Fujitsu and AEON Credit Services are going to start the new revolutionary cardless payment system. This system which will be utilizing the Fujitsu’s own palm vein biometric authentication tech.
In the very start of this September, the trail version will be available in predetermined Ministop store locations probably around the Japan. This will be the very first revolutionary of the palm vein authentication type of cardless payments in the actual stores.
There have been many other payments already developed by the AEON Credit Service Corporation, but the company has also been weighing the different credit card methods that could be security safely and more convenience;
This will probably allows anyone to shop anywhere without have cash in pocket or the credit cards you just need to use your hands.
The Customer who wants to register for the palm vein pattern should register for this AOEN card info. To register for this, they ought to use their AEON card by entering their date of birth and having palm of their hand scanned over the reader.
AEON card will make a revolutionary that will allow the customers to shop anywhere without taking their cards out of their pocket or purses.
Palm vein authentication has the highest level of the accuracy which is because of the palm that contains a lot of veins with complex arrangement which is providing the exceptional personal identification capability.
Also, due to the fact that is private info is inside your body, this method can authenticate with an individual reliably to outside interference.
Additionally, this method will of course make safety due to how difficult the falsification would be.
This trail will include the AEON Group Employees at numerous Ministop locations that are going to start in this September. The company is for sure planning to start their distribution around many other stores based on the results of the field trial.