Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time…
America was the richest creditor nation in the world.
Once Upon a Time…
The U.S dollar was backed by gold.
Once Upon a Time…
Printing money was a crime known as counterfeiting.
Once Upon a Time…
A person went to school, got a job, retired young, and lived happily ever after.
Once Upon a Time…
All you had to do was buy a house, and when your house went up in value you were rich.
Once Upon a Time…
All you had to do was invest in the stock market, and when the stock market went up you were rich.
Once Upon a Time…
A college degree meant higher pay.
Once Upon a Time…
Age was an asset.
Once Upon a Time…
A retired person could count on Social Security and Medicare to take care of them.
Unfortunately, Once Upon a Time is now over. The fairy tale has ended. The world has now changed completely and continues to change.
Q: So what does a person do now?
A: That’s what you are here in our blog for; you will be going to learn step by step the chances for your money, your life and for you.
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