Lawyers Exposing Client Data To Risk Of Cyber Attack
Lawyers Exposing Clients Data: A new research at Australia shows that the cyber security processes that lawyers use can put their client’s data at a huge risks.
The Researchers from Edith Cowan University’s Security Research Institute performed a survey of 122 lawyers regarding the cyber security conduct.
This survey has shown that the very lack of knowledge among the lawyers regarding cyber security.
Researched Showed The Followings:
- Around 11% of the lawyers had no antivirus software installed on their computers.
- 41% had no clue, what the cyber security countermeasures were put in their Smartphones.
- 64% of the lawyers have been using the free public Wi-Fi.
- 53% of lawyers’ forwarded work related emails to a non-business email account such as Gmail or Hotmail.
- 94% used email to send confidential data and only 9.4% used encryption to protect their client’s data.
Mike Johnstone, The Researcher Associate Professor claimed that there have been found out some serious flaws in the way where the lawyers were protecting themselves from cyber attack.
He Said, “Lawyers, along with doctors, are the two professions which handle most of our confidential information on a day to day basis”.
It is really important that cyber security practices must be improved to protect themselves and their clients.
Image If a law person had engaged to draft and his email being compromised and cyber criminals gained access to all of the information he contained.
In fact, DLA Piper, one of the largest law firms in the earth was hit by the NotPetya Attack in late 2017 and this attack has caused to shut down until the entire system was again restored.
Craig Vail, A professor at ECUSRI climes that vulnerability is not unique to the legal profession.
He Said, “ECU is working with the Law Society of WA to provide professional development opportunities for lawyers aimed at improving their knowledge of cyber security.