Biometrics: Installing Biometric Devices
Biometrics: Biometrics systems use some kind of unique biological trait to identify a person, such as fingerprint, patterns on the retina, and handprints.
Some methods that are used include hand scanners, retinal scanners, facial recognition applications, and keystroke recognition programs, which can be used as part of the access control mechanisms.
These devices should be coupled into security-oriented computer systems that record all access attempts. They should also be under surveillance in order to prevent individuals form bypassing them.
These technologies are becoming more reliable, and they will become widely used over the next few years. Many laptops sold now have a fingerprint read built in.
The costs associated with these technologies on development in the field of biometrics are BiometricNews.net, where you can find links to publications and their blogs.
From a reference standpoint, be sure to visit www.nist.gov/itl/biometrics/index.cmf
Installing Biometric Devices
You have been asked to solve the problem of people forgetting smart cards that give them access to the computer center.
Hardly a day goes by that an employee doesn’t forget to bring their card.
This causes a great deal of disruption in the workplace because someone has to reissue smart cards constantly.
The company has tried everything it could think of short of firing people who forget their cards. What would you recommend to the company?
Investigate whether biometric devices (such as hand scanners) or number access locks can be used in lieu of smart cards for access.
These devices will allow people who forget their smart cards to enter areas to which they should have access.