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Download Complete Python Bootcamp: Go From Zero To Hero in Python 3
COMPLETE PYTHON BOOTCAMP: Learn Python Now! Start from the very basics and go from creating your very own applications and games.
Created By: Jose Portilla
Last Updated: 3/2018
Best Selling / English Course
What Will You Learn:
- You will learn Python professionally, which includes python 2 and 3 versions.
- You will create games with Python, Tic Tac Toe and BlackJack.
- You will also learn Python advanced features, like collections of module and to work with timestamps.
- You will learn the use of Object Oriented Programming with the classes.
- You will understand the complex topics, like the decorators.
- You will be understanding how use both Jupyter Notebook and the create .py files.
- You will also get an overview of creating GUIs in Jupyter Notebook system.
- You will have the complete understanding of Python.
- You must have an access to a computer with an Internet connection.
Become a Python Programming Now, Enroll in the Course For Free!
With over Hundreds of lectures and more than every 10 Hours lectures, this course will also include the quizzers, tests, and homework assignments as well as the three most major projects to create in the Python.
You can Also Purchases the Course to Support the Author of this Course: https://www.udemy.com/complete-python-bootcamp/
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