The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) went into a law in 1986. The original law as introduced to address issues of fraud and abuse that weren’t well covered under existing statues. The law was updated inn 1994, in 1996, and again in 2001.
This act gives federal authorities, primarily the FBI, the ability to prosecute hackers, spammers, and others as terrorists.
The law is intended to protect government and financial computer systems from intrusion.
Technically, if a governmental system, such as an Internet server, were used in the commission of the crime, virtually any computer user who could be shown to have any knowledge or part in the crime could be prosecuted.
The law is comprehensive and allows for stiff penalties, fines, and imprisonment of up to 10 years for convictions under this status.
NOTE: For more information on this Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, visit the site https://ilt.eff.org/index.php/Computer_Fraud_and_Abuse_Act_(CFAA).