Pak Army to Collaborate with Sindh for Setting their own Cyber Crime Unit
Pakistan Army will help the Sindh government in establishing their own Cybercrime Unit. It was also expected that NADRA National Database and Registration Authority and the other government organizations are submitting proposal for Karachi safe city project.
It was also heard that the apex committee was held at the CM house Karachi on Monday. The meeting was presided under CM of Sindh, Commander of Corps Lt Gen Humayun Aziz, the DG rangers of Sindh, IG Sindh and others attended the meetings as well.
It was also assumed that there is many things highlighted and discussed in the Apex committee meeting for the betterment of the province.
There were 22 decisions most probably discussed in the meeting and as all of you know about the cybercrime or cyber-attacks destroyed the image of most organizations.
Cyber security was also came under the 22 decisions of Apex committee meeting.
Corps commander Hamayun Aziz discussed that the Cyber security system must be developed by the Sindh government and we are ready to help you in this matter through Pakistan army expertise.
Safe city project is somehow coming to your mind as installing a camera or other basic things in the city to stop any crime but this is not the case as there are 22 decisions they had discussed in the meeting too and it can also be assumed that it will be the quick services like fire brigade, ambulances and other things that can be safe for the people of Sindh.